Guest blogger: Anya from Elegantly Untamed.

I am so excited to share Anya of the fun blog Elegantly Untamed with you today!  She is a sweetheart who has the greatest style and is incredibly creative.  In the meantime, you can visit me here today:)  

Big hello and many thanks to Angela for having me! My name is Anya and I handcraft one-of-a-kind embellished luxury iPhone cases. I also have a blog where I share my inspirations and fascinations, talk about fashion and design, and of course give a closer look at the world of Elegantly Untamed.

Today, I will be sharing my personal top 10 favorite { e l e g a n c e } rules I strive to live by. It was hard to narrow! There are just so many…

So what is elegance?

Elegance is good taste, dignity, class, grace, confidence, kindness. Elegance is never loud, brash, or tacky. It is not vulgar. It is mysterious, tantalizing, and invites people in for a closer look. It is about balance and being unique.

To be honest, there are so many definitions and perceptions of elegance. Elegance is what you think it is and here is a sampling of some of my favs:

10. Help others and be nice { everyone is fighting hard battles }

9. Wear dresses more often {they have a secret language of their own}

8. Be neat, clean, and ironed  { stay classy but sassy }

7. Have a signature perfume { Chanel Coco Mademoiselle has been mine for over 7 years }

6. Be the luckiest girl alive { because you are! }

5. Only buy pieces you love { quality over quantity, limit your possessions }

4. Continually invest in your education { constantly edit and refine your life }

3. Be quietly self confident and know your own worth { set the standard for others around you }

2. Don’t ever lose your joie de vivre – { life is short, enjoy it } (I have to work at this every day)

1. Keep champagne in the refrigerator – always! Life is full of celebratory occasions! { YES! Cheers! }

So there you have it! Please comment and share your own personal favorite rules of elegance.

All the best and make sure to stay enviably { e l e g a n t }, chic and fabulous. xoxo anya

all images via pinterest